Do you want to attend on Sunday?
Service Hour
Sundays 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
On Campus and Online
Registration will open every Monday morning.
Procedures and Safety Guidelines
To keep you and others safe.
Per CDC recommendation, if you fall into the high-risk category, or have symptoms of a cold or flu, it is strongly recommended that you stay home and continue to watch our online services.
Greeters and hosts will wear masks and gloves at the front door. Please refrain from greetings such as hugs, kisses, and handshakes, among other types of physical greetings. Please respect social distancing.
During Service, the Tithes and Offerings baskets will not be passed. These baskets will be available and placed at each door inside the Temple so you can make your donation before leaving.
Common gathering and social areas will be closed to refrain from too much contact between people. This is for example: offices, classrooms and other lobby spaces.
The use of masks is required for all who attend the Service, as well as observing social distancing, while we do our best to follow the recommendations of the Government.
All facilities will be disinfected and wipe down, prior to, during and after each Service.
Hand sanitizers throughout campus will be available (in different places) for your convenience.
Please avoid sneezing without covering yourself. If you must, please do so by covering the elbow area or using a napkin or a tissue.
Sanctuary chairs/seats will be re-organized and spaced out to accommodate security guidelines and observe social distancing.
Before entering the Building, everyone's temperature will be taken. Please come prepared for this.