Information on the face-to-face meeting during Sunday Services.

Step 1
On Sunday when Parents and children (5-10yrs) arrive, they will continue with the same protocols we normally have, such as wearing a mask, having their temperatures checked, and being checked-in at the kiosk.
Step 2
After that, Instead of parents going to the sanctuary, they will drop their children off at children’s church and they kids will stay in children’s church during the whole service.
Step 3
Parents will then go into the sanctuary. When church service ends, parents will go pick up their children at children’s church and then exit the building.

Watch a new episode on Sundays at noon (EDT)

Children's Church Ministry CCH 

Episode 52 - Happy

Everyone loves a happy face, and everyone loves a reason to send a happy EMOJI face. Jesus taught his followers that the #1 reason to be happy, is knowing that we get to spend forever in heaven if we believe in Jesus.

Through this lesson kids will learn no matter what disappointments come our way, we can have joy knowing that we get to go to heaven forever!

We hope you enjoy!

Deuteronomy 6:5 (ICB) (RVR1995)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength.

Children are a blessing from God and are a very important part of the "Centro Cristiano Hispano" Family. We value children and their relationship with God and seek to provide a welcoming and nurturing community where all children can grow spiritually.

We welcome all children to join us to the Childrens Church Online and many other activities we held throughout the year. If you have any questions about the CCH's Childrens Church, the information provided on this page, please contact Mrs. Mildred Ramos

CCH Children's Church Leader

Mrs. Mildred Ramos